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10 Warning Signs That Your Dog Has Cancer

Canine cancer cases have been incessantly increasing in the US with the ailment becoming the leading cause of non-accidental death in dogs. Almost 50% of the dogs develop some kind of cancer which goes unnoticed until it metastasizes and reaches the terminal stage. Rise in such cases can be attributed to the lack of knowledge regarding canine cancer in pet owners that makes it more lethal. As cancer progresses, the chances of treating it shrink drastically. More so when it is a dog that is the victim because, in canines, cancer grows at a much higher rate than in humans. So, it is extremely important that all the pet owners must stay informed about the early signs of cancer in Fidos. This will help them to notice the onset of the disease in its early stages and take professional aid promptly.

10 Signs of Cancer in Dogs

Bumps or Lumps that persist

Cancer manifests itself in the form of abnormal swelling that can be felt as a mass or a lump on or underneath the skin. Such accumulation of mass happens due to extra cell growth in the body which deposits at a place. This forms a tumor which can be benign or malignant. A benign tumor is harmless and can be surgically removed. Malignant, on the other hand, is much more lethal which spreads to other parts of the body.

Sudden Weight Loss

Normally dogs’ weight remains persistent even when they are put on a weight-loss diet, and reduces gradually. Any drastic weight loss can indicate an underlying illness or a sign of tumor i.e. cancer in his body.

Very Slow Healing Of Wounds

In cancer, wounds take more time to heal despite using antibiotics. Dogs suffering from this ailment develop skin sores which do not heal and is a tell-tale sign of cancer.


Unusual bleeding or excessive discharge from the openings of the body can be an indication of cancer in pets. This can be sudden or due to some underlying prolonged illness which has turned into cancer.

Lameness and Lethargy

Laziness can often be confused with lethargy. Where laziness is self-volunteered, lethargy occurs due to the lack of bodily strength and loss of energy. If you find your Fido sleeping more often and is reluctant to perform any physical activity, you must consult your vet.

Respiratory troubles

Shortness of breath accompanied by excessive coughing and wheezing is a sure sign of lung cancer in dogs. If your furry seems this kind of sick, do not delay to get him a professional help.

Foul Odors

Though dog breath is definitely not fresh, however, if it seems to worsen or you find it unusual, it may be a body’s signal that it is suffering from a disease. When this odor can be felt from other openings of the body as well, like the nose or rectal region, you need to alarm yourself. This must be happening due to a tumor in the body.

Behavioral Changes

Canine cancer also brings change in the behavior of the victim. It can make the dog irritable, annoying, ferocious and snapping. If you notice these transitions in his behavior, contact your vet immediately. He might be suffering from cancer.

Strain In Urinating or Defecating

Intestinal or urinary bladder tumors put pressure on the surrounding muscles which cause strained urination and defecation in dogs.

Vomiting, Diarrhea and Pale gums

Though these symptoms are associated with many other diseases as well, they can also be related to cancer in the dog’s body. Anemia is again a sign of blood loss which causes pale gums in dogs and may be happening because of the development of a tumor. So you have to get your dog checked without further delay.

Cancer must be detected at the earliest so the dog can be cured easily. Thus, before it transforms into a deadly evil, you need to deracinate it then and there. This is why knowledge of the early warning signs is paramount to act promptly.   Visit your vet regularly and keep an eye on him to help him stay healthy and happy.

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