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5 Symptoms of Worms in Dogs – How To Check If Your Dog Has Worms

5 Symptoms of Worms in Dogs

Worm infestations are common amongst untreated dogs as worms can be transmitted through a wide array of ways. For example; there are certain parasites like mosquitoes and fleas that pass worms to uninfected animals. On top of this, dogs also come in contact with feces of infected animals that can be enough to transmit eggs or even juvenile worms.

How To Tell If Your Dog Has Worms

If these worms are untreated, worm infestations can result in discomfort and different unpleasant side-effects. In extreme cases, it has been observed that heavy infestation of worms can harm the pet adversely. But there is nothing to worry as it is very simple to worm the dog and there is a wide array of worming treatments available in the market.

The problem with worms is that not all infected dogs show symptoms. It is absolutely possible for a dog to behave normally despite a heavy infestation. As a dog owner, it is important to understand the symptoms of worms in dogs, but it is important not to rely on them completely to disapprove the existence of worms. Instead, it is recommended to undergo regular worming treatment by your veterinarian. Through this way, you can keep the worm infestations to the minimum.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Worm Infestation In Dogs

While there are certain worms like tapeworms or their eggs that are visible to the eye, this is not the case with all the worms. Heartworms can be seen only through a microscope. So, never presume that since you do not see the worms your dog is not suffering from it. Keep a watch on the symptoms given below and if you see any of them in your dog rush to your veterinarian immediately:

How To Check If Your Dog Has Worms

Diarrhea And/Or Vomiting in Dogs

Many common worms reside in the digestive tract of the dog that can irritate him resulting in diarrhea or vomiting. This is even more likely to be a sign of worms if it is accompanied by blood or signs of worms in feces or vomit.

Lethargy Or Weight Loss in Dogs

It has been observed that tapeworms absorb nutrients from the body of the dog. Due to this, the dog either becomes tired on a regular basis or starts to lose weight without any apparent reason. Another possible sign is that the dog does not lose weight, but his food intake increases considerably.

Dog’s Scruffy Coat Or Hair Loss in Dogs

There are chances of nutrient deficiencies in the dog’s body due to worms. The most obvious signs of nutrient deficiencies include: problem with the coat or skin like regular scratching, hair loss, irritation or generally dull-looking coat.

Scratching Rear End in Dogs

There are certain species of worms that affect the rear end of dogs. If your dog has been regularly scratching or rubbing the rear end it can be a possible sign of worm infestation.

Visible Worms in Dogs

The last but the most obvious symptom is when you see worms in your furry pal. This shows that your pet is infected. You can see the worms in the pet’s fur (especially around the rear end), in their bedding or even just around the house.

If you see any of these symptoms in your dog, immediately rush to your veterinarian and get him properly diagnosed.

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