CanadaVetExpress – Pet Care Tips

6 Essential Tips To Prolong The Life Of Your Cat

Effective Tips To Prolong The Life Of Your Cat

If you are reading this blog, chances are you view your kitty more than just a pet, probably as a major part of your family just like any other family member. So, it is totally understandable that you would like your cat to have a healthy, long and happy life. Although there are certain things which are not in our control, with a little effort it is possible to prolong the life of your cat. Let us look at some of the tips that are worth doing:

Tips To Prolong The Life Of Your Cat

Regular Veterinarian Visits

It is essential to take your kitty to the veterinarian on a regular basis to keep her healthy and fit. The purpose of the visit can be scheduled, regular checkup or finding out the reason behind the troubling symptoms. This can have a major impact on the pet expenses, but that is nothing in comparison to the price tag on your kitty’s life. You can always opt for a pet insurance or set aside rainy fund for unexpected veterinarian bills. It is always better to consider that you will need to bear the expenses while adopting a pet. This is the least you can do to keep your feline healthy and fit.

Keep The Cat Indoor

It has been observed that indoor cats are less prone to risks like accidents and fights, getting lost, succumbing to the elements, suffering from allergies and infections, or being poisoned than outdoor cats. There can be other reasons too. Hence, it is always better to keep your kitty indoors. Outdoor cats only live on an average for a total of 7 years. But still if you allow your cat to remain outdoors never declaw her because it is not only painful, but also unnecessary for healthy cats. It should only be done while dealing with a medical necessity like an injured foot.

Spay/Neuter The Cat

This procedure not only controls the population of cats, but also aids in keeping the cat free from reproductive cancers. It has been researched and found that cats who are spayed and neutered, have on an average a prolonged life.

Proper Hydration

One peculiar habit about cats is that they do not drink enough water, even if it is available to them. To ensure that your kitty is getting enough water feed her with wet food that has high moisture content or add water to the dry food. Get a pumping water fountain for cats. Remember, cats give preference to flowing water than stagnant. Turn on a light stream of water from the faucet whenever your kitty is nearby to entice her to drink.

Keep An Eye On Her Weight

Weight is one of the important parameters for healthy being of cats. It has been researched and found that 54% of cats in USA are either obese or overweight. Due to obesity, cats can suffer from Type II diabetes along with kidney, heart, liver and pancreatic disease. The best way to control extra fat is by giving the food to the cat in small portions and engage in regular exercise through play. If weight loss is the concern and your cat is old then it is better to take her to the veterinarian to check for chronic kidney disease, feline IBS, cancer and hyperthyroidism.

Give Food Supplement To The Cat

It has been observed that antioxidants, Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids combined with prebiotics in cat diet can result in improved weight, skin thickness, less incidence of disease and enhanced lifespan. So, always include food supplements in the cat’s diet.

Apart from these pointers, it is important to purchase Essential Cat Supplies to ensure that your cat lives a long and healthy life. So, how do you plan to prolong the life of your cat?

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