CanadaVetExpress – Pet Care Tips

9 Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Fleas From Your Pet

Ways To Prevent And Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs

It can be very irritating not only for your furry pal, but also you to see fleas on his body. These pesky parasites make the pet itch which can make their life miserable. The great news is there are ways to keep your pet away from these parasites. Let us look at some of the ways to get rid of fleas from your pet:

Different Ways To Get Rid of Fleas From Your Pet

Yard Maintenance

One of the key factors in keeping your pet flea-free is by maintaining your yard. Remember, shrubs and tall grasses around the house are the key living areas where fleas reside. Fleas need shelter to survive as their eggs and larvae can die from sunlight and windy conditions. This also reduces the chances of shelter for wildlife that reduces the chances for other animals to introduce fleas to your pet.

Vacuum Your Home Regularly

There are different hiding spots around the house that makes it easier for fleas to reside like carpet. Fleas lay eggs and hide in carpeting. Hence, it is extremely critical to vacuum your house frequently so that you can get rid of fleas that could be in your house.

Keep The Flea Collar In The Vacuum Bag

Keep the flea collar inside the vacuum bag to ensure that fleas do not breed inside.

Discard Vacuum Bags

After doing a fine job of vacuuming fleas and their eggs around your house, discard the vacuum bags as keeping them around for longer periods can give fleas time to breed.

Keep Outdoor Trash Covered Securely

There are certain pests like rat, mice raccoon and many more that can be carriers of fleas. Hence, keep the trash sealed so that these wildlife pests do not carry fleas on your property.

Feed The Pet Indoors

Feeding your pet outside the house or keeping the food outside can attract unwanted wildlife pests and fleas to get on your pet hence, feed your pet indoors.

Use Flea Collars

Flea Collars like Seresto can be effective in successfully creating a barrier around your pets to ensure that fleas are away from them.

The Pets Should Be Kept Away From The Woods

It has been observed that fleas reside in wooded areas and tall grass. Hence, if you think that your pet will have a great time running freely in the wilderness, then you will be shocked to hear that it is also one of the quickest ways to attracting fleas back on the pets.

Have A Professional Pest Control Service Treat Your House

Ask a professional pest control service to treat your house and target common areas of the household where your pet goes. A pest control service can treat the outside of your house which would aid in developing a barrier for the fleas to get inside your house.

So, which of these effective ways are you planning to use in your household to get rid of fleas from your pet?

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