CanadaVetExpress – Pet Care Tips

A Comprehensive Guide On Feline’s Aggressive Behavior

There is an English proverb which goes, “In a cat’s eye, all things belong to cats.” Yes, sometimes it does seem that cats own everything around them and are the masters of their masters. Dogs can be tamed and made to follow the commands, but cats are still far away from this practice. Understanding a feline’s behavior is definitely far more difficult than the dog’s. Their territorial behavior is the most common reason for cat fights in households. But, there are many more reasons for the easily surfacing aggression in cats.

Let’s learn some very important things about a cat’s aggressive nature!


Aggression- What is it?
Aggression is the anger or antipathy that usually results in violent actions and harmful behavior. Virtually all animals tend to show aggression to protect their pups, marking their territories and to protect themselves if attacked. Cats are known for their territorial behavior and if any other cat surpasses it, the situation could easily get worse.

Body Language- Hear the unsaid
The world would have been a lot better place if pets could convey their feelings just like the humans do. But, the bitter truth is that they cannot! And for this reason it is very important for pet parents to understand the body language of their pets. The various positions and expressions of cats have different meanings which portray their mood. For instance, cat’s aggressive behavior is shown by their unique stances and expressions. These aggressive stances are classified in two: offensive and defensive. If you see your kitty in any of these postures, maybe it’s time for you to cool down the situation. Let’s see the different postures that a cat would use in different aggressions!


Offensive Stances include:


Defensive stances include:


Classification of aggression
There are various types of aggression observed among cats and the most common one is seen in the non-neutered males. If cats are not neutered before their adulthood, their aggression towards other male cats will be undoubtedly seen. Other than that, felines can grow fierce over their territories, kittens or just from a rough play. Let’s have a look at different types of aggression that are mainly observed in “sweet” felines!



Cat fights- 5 tips on controlling the aggression between them
So, these were the talks of possibilities of aggressive behavior in cats. But, what could be done if cats have already gotten into a fight? Here are some tips that could help you to control the fierce behavior among felines!

In all, cat fights can turn very nasty if their aggression is not controlled right away. To put a stop at the furious rages of cats, it is very important to understand their behavior on the whole. The above mentioned stances and types of aggression could really help analyzing your cat’s behavior. So, stop your felines beforehand to cut short the pain of making them friends again!

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