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How To Give Your Dog A Flea-Less Life

How To Give Your Dog A Flea-Less Life

Fleas are parasites that spend most of their life as hosts living on mammals. Fleas are tiny and light-weighted blood sucking parasites which transmits serious diseases and causes skin problems as they change their hosts.

Although, fleas can be found anywhere, their abundance is found in warm and damp regions. Your dog can get fleas from anywhere, be it your home or in the park while taking a stroll.

Preventing your dog from flea infestation is essential. But, if he does get fleas on his body how will you determine them?
There are various signs that dog’s depict when infested by fleas like

Identifying fleas in dogs can be a tricky business. For instance, you can use a flea comb and if you find black specs on it, that is flea dirt. Now have a close look in your dog’s coat you might find fleas residing in it. There are various measures to protect your dog from flea infestation. Moreover, if you have other pets in house too then they might have also been infested by fleas. For a flea-free surroundings and pets you can:

Use home remedies : There’s a saying, “The answer is hidden in the question itself”. So, prevention and cures can also be found at home, in the kitchen. There are many examples like:


Homemade Flea Control Remedies


1. Use citrus juice

Fleas are repelled by citrus flavors, so you can extract some juice from citrus fruits and rub it over your dog’s fur coat. This will keep the fleas away from your pooch.

2. Garlic

Garlic fed in small amounts won’t harm you doggy, but will prevent problems like flea infestations. You should start feeding your dog garlic a month before the flea season or summer and spring season.

3. Mowing your lawn/backyard

If you live in a warm or damp regions, you might be aware of flea problems better than anyone else. So, cut down the grass shorter to prevent your dog from getting fleas through lawns, But, apart from that use other preventives too.

4. Apple-cider vinegar

Fleas are not attracted towards an unbalanced environment (PH related). You can use this at your advantage and make the surroundings more acidic using apple cider vinegar to keep the fleas away from your dog. Such unfavorable environment is not welcome by the fleas. Spray the mixture of water and apple cider vinegar on your dog every week to keep away these parasites.

Use medications : Apart from home or man-made remedies, you can also use medicines to cure as well as prevent flea infection and infestation. There are several brands known brand medications available online as well as in your local pet store.

Some of the flea treatment and preventive medicines are:


Effective Flea Treatment & Preventatives for Dogs


1. Activyl for Dogs

Activyl is an effective cure for fleas, flea larvae and even flea eggs in dogs. It has to be applied only once in a month on the dogs and then your pooch will be flea free. Activyl for Dogs  is considered as one of the best solutions as it is odour free treatment and works for all breeds.

2. Advantage for Dogs

Advantage is also a monthly treatment which kills fleas and lice on dogs, it also wipes out the other fleas found in the nearby areas. It is a waterproof treatment which works even after the pet gets inside the water. It also reduces flea allergy dermatitis

3. Seresto Flea and Tick Collar

Medicinal cure is a broad category which includes not only chews, tablets, cream, sprays but also collars. Collars as everyone knows is used by all the dog owners to leash them. These are a great and easy way to prevent and cure fleas on your dog.
Seresto collar is especially designed for dogs to get rid of fleas from them. It continuously kills these parasites for 8 months and protects the dog from any infestations.

4. Frontline Products

Frontline products include Frontline Plus, Frontline Spray and Frontline Top Spot. All these products are designed to get rid of fleas, flea eggs and flea larvae from the dogs. They also prevent re-infestation of these parasites on the dog. They work effectively even when the dog is in water or bathing as they are a water-proof treatment.

These remedies will cure and protect your beloved pets from getting any serious health issues from the fleas. You can also use flea combs and fleas shampoos especially designed for dogs who are prone to flea problems.

Buy Flea Preventatives

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