CanadaVetExpress – Pet Care Tips

Wish A Healthy Life To Your Cat This September-“Happy Cat Month”


Her eyes are among beautiful creations by good, she is fearless and beautiful. If you want her love, then forget taking her for granted! She is a creature with lots of self-respect and where ever required self-defense also persists in her secretive nature. She is difficult to catch until you are close to her.

You must be confused with all these appreciations and descriptions in above sentences. Any guesses about the special one, for which they are quoted for??

Yes!! She is your cat.

The loveliest member of your family owns a special corner at everybody’s heart and month of September is dedicated to these adorable creatures.

As a cat parent, a part of your day is dedicated to your pet’s care. Septembers are significant as we celebrate it as “Happy cat month”. Celebrating cat month is much more than giving importance to cats and making them happy.

Joy and happiness are keys to healthy life. Our approach should be always to make their life exciting and adventurous, away from boredom and monotony.

Your presence around them puts a huge impact in their life and mental happiness.

Still, there are some stereotypes in our society that cats don’t require much attention as compared to dogs and any other pet. So breaking all these norms and old beliefs, start showing love to your cat, as you are blessed with a marvelous creation of God. Loyal and shy, but always alert and the most appreciable part in them is their trainable instinct. If you have that zeal, you can turn your mischievous kitty into a rained feline.

Cats just love cleanliness and sanity around them. Especially, their litter boxes! Clean litter boxes make them satisfied and happy. This September, give a gift of serenity and sanity to your feline friend.

Celebrate this cat month by investing on their health concerns. Set up a special vet visit for proper and meticulous check up of your lovable kitty. This will be a way better technique to celebrate the fest instead of lavish and materialistic celebration.

Wishing you all a happy cat month

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