CanadaVetExpress – Pet Care Tips

How to protect your pet in different seasons?

protecting dogs

It is summer season in USA and after a very long and cold winter and cold and damp spring it is a welcome change to embrace summer season. It is always nice to see beautiful gardens, enjoying the summer vacation and enjoying an ice cream treat after dinner. But summers can really be hard for pets. It can have an adverse effect on their health. Let us look at different tips that will help you to keep your pets cool and safe this summer:

The next season of fall happens between September to December.  Fall is packed with fun-filled holidays comprising of really good food and some enthralling scenery. But pets do face some dangers during the fall. As a pet-parent, it is very significant to understand these dangers and try to keep your pets safe and healthy during fall season.

During winters which fall between December and March there is a lot of numbing wetness in the air. This makes it even more important for pet-parents to keep their pets indoors. It is important to wear a sweater to cover the pet’s body. Pets are sensitive to severe cold and are at high risk of frostbite and hypothermia during this season. Hence, it is very important to take care of the following things:

The season of spring occurs between March and June. This season is also known as a season of fleas and ticks. The easiest way to protect your pet from these pests is by controlling their population both inside the house and in your yard. Fleas draw blood from the hosts as the source of their food. They cause diseases like flea allergy dermatitis, tapeworms, Feline Infectious Anemia and Bubonic Plague. It is very important to understand the life cycle of fleas and then kill these fleas by controlling the flea population through treatments like Frontline Plus, K9 Advantix, and Nexgard. You should also take the advice of the veterinarian and take the recommended dosage as prescribed by them.

Ticks are also quite active in spring. Ticks cause diseases like Rocky Mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease. You can utilize treatments like Scalibor Tick Collars and Revolution to eliminate ticks from the lives of your pet.

Pet-parents need to be on guard to protect their pets in different seasons. Pets can enjoy each and every season with full-on energy and zeal if they are properly protected by taking care of the things mentioned in this write-up. Remember it is always better to be safe then to be sorry at a later stage.

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