Isn’t it already painful to deal with our own slab of fat? In this increasing obesity among people, our Fido seems to feel left out and have transformed themselves into an overweight dog. But is it their fault? I mean who can resist their loving eyes? No one can! And as a result we treat them so often that they gain an unhealthy weight.
Read more about How to Convert Your Overweight Dog into a Healthy Pet? …
Top 20 Benefits of Cat & Dog Massage Therapy
With the health care industry exploring the new world of massage therapy for humans, animal experts have also found the same benefits of the massage therapy in pets. With the technique induced in the animal holistic care, most animal experts and veterinarians are finding that pet massage therapy is really a boon for canines and felines. Read more about Top 20 Benefits of Cat & Dog Massage Therapy …
Four Hidden Facts about Ticks and Your Pet
Most pet parents know what ticks are. Nevertheless, you may not know about the hidden facts all about ticks. Let us go little deep inside and find out more details about ticks and how badly they affect pet’s life. Read more about Four Hidden Facts about Ticks and Your Pet …
Thumb Rules for Finding the Right Pet from an Animal Shelter
We have already seen the merits of adoption over buying a pet. Now let’s check out the thumb rules to find the correct pet for you. The golden rule is that the pet should be in tune with your family. While adopting the pet from an animal shelter you tends to save a life, choose a different age of dog and even get a chance to see a wide variety of probable pets. Out of the lot which one suits your family is the most bothering question for want to be pet parents. You will find many love seeking animals at the shelter but the one that augments your family’s joy is the right one for you. Read more about Thumb Rules for Finding the Right Pet from an Animal Shelter …
Pet Adoption – The Best Way to Serve the Society
Welcome dear all to the official blog of This is our first blog post and we chose this topic to bring in more awareness towards animal welfare. We aim to bring in more topics on animal wellbeing and sort out dilemmas of pet parenting. Our upcoming posts will throw more light on pet parenting, flea and tick treatments, pet health & wellness and pet care in general. Keep reading our blog and give us your suggestions about how to improve it.
One of the best ways to serve society is to adopt a pet. With nearly 6 to 8 million pets spending their lives in shelter homes, adoption is an ideal way through which we contribute to the society. This goodwill gesture earns us a loving soul and saves one life that may get euthanized. The sad story of abandoned or stray cats and dogs is that they keep waiting in animal shelters to get a loving family. Many of them end up losing their life just because most of us prefer newborn puppy from a pet shop. Read more about Pet Adoption – The Best Way to Serve the Society …