The all-new Revolution Plus has hit the market, and most of the cat parents out there would switch Revolution for this new and advanced product. But before you do any such thing, make sure you read this blog because we will be minutely comparing both products and you definitely do not want to miss out on the thorough comparison.
Revolution vs Revolution Plus
As the subheading suggests, it is a proper comparison between the two products mentioned. And as most pet parents would assume, the latter product would easily pip the former one, since the new product is an advanced version of it. But that’s not the case, which is why this blog has been written.
Moving on, let us compare both Revolution and Revolution Plus and see which product is the better bet.
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Revolution and Revolution Plus: The Differences
Below are the major points of differences between both Revolution and Revolution Plus. Here, take a read.
Number of Parasites
Revolution is effective against five kinds of parasites. It kills and protects cats from fleas, ear mites, biting lice, intestinal worms (roundworms and hookworms) and prevents heartworm disease. Revolution Plus does exactly the same thing as mentioned, with the added ability to eliminate ticks as well.
Active Ingredients
The active ingredient present in Revolution is Selamectin. On the other hand, Revolution Plus has two active ingredients; the first one is Selamectin (just like Revolution), and the other is Sarolaner.
Revolution is very much waterproof and doesn’t lose its efficacy even in water. Revolution Plus though has not yet been approved as a waterproof treatment.
Dogs above the age of 8 weeks are eligible for Revolution treatment. Moreover, this treatment is also safe for pregnant, lactating, and breeding dogs. Revolution Plus is also safe to use in dogs over 8 weeks of age, but the safe use of this product on pregnant, lactating, and breeding dogs has not yet been evaluated.
It goes without saying, but since Revolution Plus happens to be the advanced and upgraded version of Revolution, it costs slightly higher than Revolution.
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Revolution and Revolution Plus: The Similarities
We are done with the differences, now it is only fair to look at all the similarities between two of the top cat products; Revolution and Revolution Plus.
Fleas, Flea Eggs, and Larvae
Both the products effectively eliminate fleas, flea eggs, larvae and also provide protection from flea infestations for one whole month. The products are also good at reducing flea allergy dermatitis (FAD).
Heartworm Disease
Both Revolution and Revolution Plus are excellent at preventing heartworm disease for approximately four weeks.
Biting Lice and Ear Mites
Revolution, as well as Revolution Plus, is good at controlling and healing cats from biting lice and ear mite infestations.
It the brand name (Revolution) is the same, it is pretty obvious that the manufacturer will be the same as well. Both products are manufactured by a well-renowned animal pharmaceutical company called Zoetis.
Minimum Age Requirement
The minimum age requirement for using these products for your cat or kitten is 8 weeks.
Treatment Pattern
The treatment patterns of both the products are one month. They are also known as monthly protection preventatives or treatments.
Mode of Administration
Revolution and Revolution Plus are spot-on treatments thus, they are administered topically.
The Final Verdict
As you can see, both Revolution and Revolution Plus have their pros and cons. And though Revolution Plus clearly trumps Revolution, this does not mean that Revolution is the inferior product. In situations like, having a low budget and/or your four-legged furry pal suffering from fleas, mites, lice, etc (excluding ticks), Revolution can be opted for. But if your cat has ticks, then Revolution Plus is the obvious choice.