How to Convert Your Overweight Dog into a Healthy Pet?


Isn’t it already painful to deal with our own slab of fat? In this increasing obesity among people, our Fido seems to feel left out and have transformed themselves into an overweight dog. But is it their fault? I mean who can resist their loving eyes? No one can! And as a result we treat them so often that they gain an unhealthy weight.
Read more about How to Convert Your Overweight Dog into a Healthy Pet?

Benefits of Cat and Dog Massage

Top 20 Benefits of Cat & Dog Massage Therapy

Benefits of Cat and Dog MassageWith the health care industry exploring the new world of massage therapy for humans, animal experts have also found the same benefits of the massage therapy in pets. With the technique induced in the animal holistic care, most animal experts and veterinarians are finding that pet massage therapy is really a boon for canines and felines. Read more about Top 20 Benefits of Cat & Dog Massage Therapy