” Thanksgiving refers to the extremely popular festival which is celebrated in western countries like Canada, the US. Thanksgiving is closely followed by the occasion of “Black Friday” which is extremely popular amongst the masses as well.”
The concept of Thanksgiving initially emerged as the day when everyone united together with a keen desire to thank the almighty for the rich harvest they had been blessed with.
According to historians, the celebration involves serving of turkey to all friends, relatives, near and dear ones because of the belief that the birds were large enough to provide for the needs and requirements of a large set of people and did not serve any general purpose like providing milk in case of cows or laying eggs in case of hens. At the same time, there have been certain calls led by animal welfare organizations towards safeguarding turkeys from any harm by encouraging the public to not consume turkeys, which has emerged as a White House tradition as well since 1987 when Ronald Reagan emerged as the first president to do so.
Sadly, the same occasion which brings inestimable joy to a large set of people has proved to be a day of mourning for pet lovers out there on certain occasions. There have been several instances where letting their beloved four-legged companions out of sight for even a few seconds proved to be extremely fatal in nature due to consumption of harmful food items or even harm caused due to speeding cars out on the streets. Keeping this in mind, let’s take a look at 5 different ways in which you can keep your furry-munchkin safe on Thanksgiving Day:
Keeping a close look at your pet’s diet:
You should reciprocate the faith bestowed on you by ensuring the non-consumption of rich or fatty food items which have been known to cause pancreatitis with garlic, onions, chocolate also identified as injurious to the overall health of your beloved four-legged companion.
Avoiding Interactions with Strangers for your Pet:
Our furry munchkins may be extremely comfortable around us but might not enjoy the same level of comfort around a whole set of strangers whom they have never interacted with previously. In such a scenario, it is very likely for your beloved dog/cat to react aggressively causing damage to himself or even attempting to escape from the surroundings in comparison to his calm, innocent behavior on a usual basis. It is advisable to keep your pet in a closed room where he is provided food and water at regular intervals for ensuring comfort.
Ensuring Proper Disposal of Trash:
Our beloved pets enjoy the same zeal to explore our surroundings as that of Christopher Columbus which is evident from the thorough fashion in which they rummage through the garbage. However, it would certainly be deadly for your dog in case he gains access to a turkey carcass or even bones while searching through the garbage/waste which makes it all the more important to ensure optimum disposal of trash at any cost.
Never leave your darling alone in the vehicle:
Thanksgiving may seem like the perfect opportunity to go out for a trip down to the nearest hill station but it is necessary to take proper precautions as well. It is advisable to never leave your pet alone in the vehicle when out for any purchases whatsoever because of the lack of air-circulation or even anxiety in their hearts regarding the decision to leave them alone causing panic attacks.
Thanksgiving is a beautiful occasion and deserves its fair share of celebration. At the same time, it is imperative for a pet parent to keep his pet’s welfare on top of the priority list without being distracted.
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